The English Language Things that people in Sweden often do wrong, and other common mistakes

I am not a native English speaker, and there is no way that could I ever write a grammar rule book. And I know I do not have a perfect pronunciation. Even so, here I have collected some errors I have spotted many times (in various presentations and theses), in the hope it will help someone speak or write a little better.

Please review these before starting to write your paper/thesis/report!

Some more advice can be had by Strunk & White's “The Elements of Style,” the very first edition can be found online. However, take all of that with a grain of salt. There is some very strong criticism by prof. Pullum, who calls it “the book that ate America's brain.”

There also exists a very extensive list of Common Errors in English Usage by Paul Brians (Washington State University). Many errors on there do not seem very common to me, but it can be very instructive to read a few entries now and again.



Swedes are, in general, very good at pronouncing English. However, there are a few common mispronunciations:

Word usage

This is a short list of words I regularly see/hear misused:

Which vs. that

Note that which introduces a subordinate clause, and therefore is preceded by a comma (see below).

Automatise vs. automate

You probably want to say automate, not automatise.

Good vs. well

To achieve

Also consider using to yield.


Using phrases like is done often leads to awkward sentences:

For example vs. e.g.

E.g. stands for exempli gratia, for the sake of example. It should be followed by a non-exhaustive list of examples, and this list should not end with etc. E.g. can always be replaced by for example, but the converse is not true.

Fun vs. funny


In Swedish you say ett tips. This translates to a tip in English, not a tips.

Thesis and dissertation vs. defence

A thesis is a proposition to be defended. The word is most often used to refer to a technical writing that contains a thesis, and is written to fulfil the requirements of a university degree. A dissertation is a written (or oral) in-depth treatment of a subject, and most commonly used to refer to a such a treatment written to fulfil the requirements for a PhD degree. Thus, you could say that a dissertation is the same as a PhD thesis. During the defence, you defend your thesis. Thus, that period where your opponent and the committee members drill you with questions related to your thesis is the defence, not the dissertation.


Every language uses different prepositions in different situations. This makes prepositions one of the most difficult things to learn properly in a second language. These stand out among Swedish speakers:


Here I have collected the more common grammatical errors, as well as some guidelines for proper punctuation:

Match subject and verb

Because in Swedish the verbs are not conjugated, many Swedes have trouble using the right inflection of the verb. If the subject is singular, use the singular form of the verb; if the subject is plural, use the plural form:

Plural in words from Latin origin

With some words, singular ends in -us, plural in -i:

With some other words, singular ends in -um, plural in -a:

Yes! you read that right, data is plural:

Finally, some words have a singular ending in -is, their plural ends in -es:

Other plurals

Some words do not have a plural (they are uncountable):

Note that work is countable when it refers to literary, artistic, or intellectual production: the collected works of Jules Verne, or when it refers to infrastructure: The city invested in public works; it is uncountable in all other cases.

Inanimate objects

Avoid assigning actions to inanimate objects:


Prefixes are only hyphenated in special cases (though there are different schools of thought on this):

Multi-word adjectives (a.k.a. compound modifiers) are joined by hyphens:

Again, there are different thoughts about this, but in general it is clearer to use the hyphens. And it is especially important if the meaning changes without the hyphen:

When one of the components of a compound modifier has more than one word, use an en dash instead of a hyphen:


You can use em dashes or en dashes for parenthetical sentences:

The en dash is also used to indicate a range or a connection:

Commas, semicolons and colons

In English it is common to use many more commas than in Swedish.

In between a subordinate clause (bisats) and the main clause (huvudsats) there should always be a comma:

Often it is advantageous to add a comma before and or or if they introduce a new clause (i.e. it makes it easier on the reader):

When enumerating, there should be a comma between each element. Some people like a comma before the last and or or, some people do not; that is up to you:

But when the things you are enumerating are clauses, do add that comma:

Also, if one of the elements in the list has an and or an or, you really need that comma for clarity (this is like adding parentheses in a logical statement where you mix & and |):

Finally, if the clauses you are enumerating contain commas (they are more complex clauses), use the semicolon to separate the elements:

In Swedish, people use the semicolon to introduce a list. In English you should use the colon for this:

The colon is used in Swedish for abbreviations, don't do this in English:

Non-exhaustive lists

There are different ways to partially enumerate something. Note that there is no etc. at the end of a list starting with e.g. or including, and that in both these cases there is an and before the last element given.


Apostrophes are used in two ways: contractions and the possessive.

Never use contractions in formal writing:

The possessive is formed by adding 's to a noun:

But when the word ends in -s, do not add another one (though there are different opinions about this as well):



Both single and double quotes are rendered differently in almost every language. In Swedish, no difference is made between opening and closing quotes. However, in most other languages a different glyph is used for the two. In English the opening quotes are inverted. In LaTeX, type ``text'' (the opening quote character is on the top-left key of a US keyboard; the closing quote is the standard apostrophe character). Use just one of each for the single quotes.

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Last modified December 16 2014.
Many Thanks to: Peter Lundberg (Radiation Physics and CMIV, Linköping), Pierre Flener