Christer Oscar Kiselman's mathematical ancestors

I defended my Ph.D. thesis at Stockholm University on 1966 December 03. My advisor there during the years 1961—1964 was

Lars Hörmander (1931-01-24 — 2012-11-25)

I attended his lectures on partial differential equations in the fall of 1961 and the spring of 1962, and then his lectures on analytic functions of several complex variables in the fall of 1962 and the spring of 1963. During the academic year 1965-66, I was invited as a Member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, and Lars was there, so our relation could go on.

Lars Hörmander defended his Ph.D. thesis at Lund University on 1955 October 22. His advisor, as first registered in the Mathematics Genealogy Project, was

Marcel Riesz (1886—1969)

Riesz was professor at Lund University and got his Ph.D. in 1912 at the University of Budapest with

Lipót Fejér (1880—1959)

as advisor. Fejér got his Ph.D. at the University of Budapest in 1902. His advisor was

Karl Hermann Amandus Schwarz (1843—1921)

Schwarz received his Ph.D. in 1864. His advisor was

Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass (1815—1897)

His name was written Weierstrass in the nineteenth century and nowadays most often Weierstraß.

Schwarz attended Weierstrass's lectures on Integral Calculus in 1861. Weierstrass was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Königsberg in 1854, so we cannot say he had a Ph.D. advisor. However, he studied mathematics for Gudermann in 1838—1840. In a more recent version of the Mathematics Genealogy Project, Gudermann is considered to be the advisor of Weierstrass, which makes it possible to go back to Gauss and Pfaff and even further...

Originally only Marcel Riesz was listed in the Mathematics Genealogy Project as an advisor of Lars Hörmander, and I had followed this link above. Later Lars Gårding (1919-03-07 — 2014-07-07) was introduced as a second advisor. In a publication Lars Hörmander wrote:

"When I defended my thesis in 1955 Lars Gårding was my advisor for Marcel Riesz had retired in 1953 and been in the US since then." (Hörmander 2003:61)

Hörmander, Lars. 2003. A tribute to Laurent Schwartz. In: Laurent Schwartz (1915—2002). Supplément au numéro 98 de la Gazette des mathématiciens, pp. 59–62. Paris: Société mathématique de France.

Acknowledgment: This information is partly based on the Mathematics Genealogy Project of Harry B. Coonce. Thank you!

André Martineau (1930—1972)

invited me to join him in Nice during the academic year 1967–1968. He influenced me in many ways, mathematically as well as culturally. I have tried to sum up my memories about him and our year together in two essays, in French and English. The first-mentioned was rejected by La Gazette des Mathématiciens on 2020 June 26. The second was published online in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, volume 14, issue 7, on 2020 September 14.
Christer Oscar Kiselman, 2022 September 26. To Christer's home page. Amber addresses:,