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  1. Conference: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 070128-0201 
    Address: San Jose Marriott and San Jose Convention Center 
    San Jose, California USA 
    Comment: Attended this conference to learn more about the state of the art in display technology in preparation for our Visualisation Lab. Also attended several interesting sessions on image analysis.

  2. Conference: SUN World Wide Educational and Research Conference, WERC 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 070206-08 
    Address: St Francis Hotel, San Francisco, California 
    Comment: Attended this conference to learn more about latest trends in computing and what SUN currently has to offer.

  3. Conference: PhD student day, Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis Symposium 2007 
    Amin Allalou, Maria Axelsson, Patrik K. Edlund, Milan Gavrilovic, Magnus Gedda, Filip Malmberg, Khalid Niazi, Kristin Norell, Amalka Pinidiyaarachchi, Hamid Sarve, Erik Vidholm 
    Date: 070313 
    Address: Dept. of Biomedical Engineering (IMT), Linköping University

  4. Conference: Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis Symposium 2007 (SSBA'07) 
    Ewert Bengtsson, Patrick K. Edlund, Magnus Gedda, Joakim Lindblad, Filip Malmberg, Khalid Niazi, Kristin Norell, Ingela Nyström, Robin Strand, Stina Svensson 
    Date: 070313-15 
    Address: Dept. of Biomedical Engineering (IMT), Linköping University
    Comment: Ingela Nyström was on the Board of the SSBA Annual Meeting.

  5. Conference: Relation Uppsala 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 070322 
    Address: Flustret Conference Centre, Uppsala 
    Comment: Attended part of this exhibit and seminar day representing UU and the Virtual IT-faculty, which was one of the sponsors.

  6. Conference: SLU Prefektmöte 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 070322-23 
    Address: Eklundshof Conference Centre, Uppsala 
    Comment: Attended part of this two day conference for all department heads at SLU.

  7. Conference: Sundbladssymposium 
    Stina Svensson 
    Date: 070322 
    Address: STFI-Packforsk, Stockholm 
    Comment: Stiftelsen Gunnar Sundblads Forskningsfond 50 år: Vägar in i framtiden för svensk massa och pappersindustri
  8. Conference: Deans conference UU 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 070417-18 
    Address: Nova Park Conference, Knivsta 
    Comment: Discussions on future strategies for UU
  9. Conference: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 2007 (SCIA'07) 
    Ewert Bengtsson, Kristin Norell, Hamid Sarve 
    Date: 070611-0613 
    Address: Aalborg, Denmark

  10. Conference: 21st European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB'07) 
    Hamid Sarve 
    Date: 070910-12 
    Address: Brighton, UK
  11. Conference: European Muscle Conference 
    Joakim Lindblad 
    Date: 070908-0912 
    Address: Stockholm, Sweden
  12. Conference: The Fifth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA'07) 
    Joakim Lindblad 
    Date: 070927-29 
    Address: Istanbul, Turkey

  13. Conference: Inauguration of Graphics Lab in Gävle 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 070928 
    Address: Gävle University College
  14. Conference: 2nd International Sympoisum on Brain, Vision and Artificial Intelligence 2007 (BVAI'07) 
    Gunilla Borgefors 
    Date: 071010-12 
    Address: Naples, Italy 
    Comment: Borgefors was Session Chair

  15. Conference: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2007 (MICCAI'07) 
    Ewert Bengtsson, Erik Vidholm 
    Date: 071029-1102 
    Address: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia
  16. Conference: SNIC Interaction 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 071128-29 
    Address: CBA
  17. Conference: SIGRAD 2007 
    Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 071129-30 
    Address: Ångströmlaboratoriet

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