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Poster presentations - refereed conferences

  1. Conference: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 2007 (SCIA'07) 
    Amin Allalou 
    Date: 070611-13 
    Address: Aalborg, Denmark 
    Title: Image based measurements of single cell mtDNA mutation load

  2. Conference: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 2007 (SCIA'07) 
    Robin Strand 
    Date: 070611-13 
    Address: Aalborg, Denmark 
    Title: Weighted distances based on neighbourhood sequences in non-standard three-dimensional grids

  3. Conference: The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'07) 
    Hamid Sarve 
    Date: 070827-29 
    Address: Vienna, Austria 
    Title: Quantification of bone remodeling in the proximity of implants

  4. Conference: The 14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'07) 
    Kristin Norell 
    Date: 070911-13 
    Address: Modena, Italy 
    Title: Grey weighted polar distance transform for outlining circular and approximately circular objects
  5. Conference: The 14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'07) 
    Robin Strand 
    Date: 070911-13 
    Address: Modena, Italy 
    Title: Topology preserving marching cubes-like algorithms on the face-centered cubic grid
  6. Conference: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'07) 
    Maria Axelsson 
    Date: 070916-19 
    Address: San Antonio, TX, USA 
    Title: 3D Tracking of cellulose fibres in volume images
  7. Conference: 8th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology 2007 (ISMM'07) 
    Stina Svensson 
    Date: 071011-13 
    Address: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 
    Title: Centres of maximal balls extracted from a fuzzy distance transform
  8. Conference: Interaction in medical image analysis and visualization, workshop in conjunction with MICCAI 2007
    Ewert Bengtsson, Erik Vidholm 
    Date: 071102 
    Address: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia 
    Title: Haptic interaction with deformable models for 3D liver segmentation
    Title: Hardware-accelerated volume visualization of parametrically mapped dynamic breast MRI data
    Comment: 2 poster presentations.
  9. Conference: Group 07 Conference
    Winkler Pettersson, L.; Seipel, S.
    Date: 071103-07
    Address: Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
    Title: Collaborative pixel-accurate interaction with PixelactiveSurface

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