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- Conference: Summer School on Image Processing 2007 (SSIP'07)
Joakim Lindblad
Date: 070706-15
Address: Dept. of Image Processing and Computer Graphics, University of Szeged, Hungary
Title: Hough transform with anisotropic distance transform for robust segmentation of seedlings
Comment: SSIP is organized annually for graduate and PhD students interested in image processing.
- Conference: Workshop on Software Issues in Computational Science and Engineering
Ingela Nyström
Date: 070815-16
Address: Dept. of Information Technology, UU
Title: Computational Science and Engineering at Uppsala University
Comment: Nyström held the official opening ceremony of this international workshop.
- Conference: Medicinteknikdagarna
Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 071002-03
Address: Conventum, Örebro
Title: Analysis of 3D images of molecules, cells, tissues and organs
- Conference: GeoInfo07
Stefan Seipel
Date: 071017
Address: University College of Gävle
Title: Trends in table-top display development and their use in GiS applications.
- Conference: Global Human Resources Forum 2007
Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 071023-26
Address: Grand Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul, Korea
Title: The biotech industry in the Uppsala region - result of academic research and private entrepreneurship
- Conference: SIGRAD 2007
Stefan Seipel
Date: 071130
Adress: Ångströmlaboratoriet
Title: How to fool your brain to percieve 3D from planar displays
Comment: Seipel was keynote speaker.
- Conference: Indo-Swedish Workshop on e-Health and Visualization
Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 071202-05
Address: CDAC, New Dehli, India
Title: Image Analysis for Medical Applications at the Centre for Image Analysis in Uppsala
Comment: Also chaired group meetings and summarized the conclusions at the end of the workshop.
- Conference: EON Reality - Developers Conference
Stefan Seipel
Date: 071214
Address: Ängelholm
Title: 3D stereoscopic projections in muli-viewer and multiple display environments
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