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  1. Title: The Swedish Royal Society of Sciences Edlundska Prize 2007 
    Name: Gunilla Borgefors 
    Date: 070331 
    Description: This prestigeous price in memory of the physicist Erik Edlund consists of a diploma and a sum of money.
  2. Title: Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala Benzelius Award 
    Name: Nataša Sladoje 
    Date: 070413 
    Description: The Benzelius awards are given to promising young scientists in Uppsala and consists of a diploma and a sum of money.
  3. Title: Fellow of IEEE 
    Name: Gunilla Borgefors 
    Date: 071201 
    Description: Borgefors was elected Fellow of IEEE in the class of 2008. Only 0,1% of the members of IEEE, the worlds largest engineering society, can become Fellows.