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Nyby Sawmill, Setra Group, Björklinge

Dept. of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Computing, University College of Gävle, Gävle

Dept. of Biomaterials, Göteborg University, Göteborg

SenseGraphics, Kista

Centre for Medical Imaging and Visualization, CMIV, Linköping

Computer Vision Laboratory, Linköping University, Linköping

Swedish Defense College, Stockholm

Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (STFI), Stockholm

Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm

Dept. of Oncology-Pathology, Cancer Center, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm

Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

KTH Fibre and Polymer Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Swedish Timber Measurement Council (VMR), Sundsvall

Barrera Kristiansen AB, Uppsala

GE Healthcare, Uppsala/London

Olink Bioscience, Uppsala

Dept. of Genetics and Pathology, UU

Dept. of Information Technology, UU

Dept. of Mathematics, UU

Dept. of Neuroscience, UU Hospital

Dept. of Oncology, Radiology, and Clinical Immunology, UU Hospital

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, UU

Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, MRT-section, UU Hospital

Dept. of Psychology, UU

Dept. of Biometry and Engineering, SLU, Uppsala

Dept. of Forest Products, SLU, Uppsala

Vattenfall Utveckling, Älvkarleby

Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Örebro University, Örebro

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