@INPROCEEDINGS{5297696, title={Creating synthetic log end face images}, author={Norell, K.}, booktitle={Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2009. ISPA 2009. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on}, year={2009}, month={Sept.}, volume={}, number={}, pages={353-358}, abstract={In this paper we present the design and creation of synthetic images of log end faces. The images are constructed to resemble images of Scots pine taken in on-line sawmill production. Wood features such as knots, heartwood, and annual rings, as well as the sawing procedure, storage, and imaging, including camera position, are simulated. A dataset of 100 images is provided, together with code for generating new synthetic data.}, keywords={image processing, woodScots pine, online sawmill production, sawing procedure, synthetic images, synthetic log end face images, wood features}, doi={}, ISSN={1845-5921}, }