Uniform polyhedra, part 3

          Click on the photo to get the pattern sheets!
Small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron-[3 5* 3 5* 3 5*]
Dodecadodecahedron - [5 5* 5 5*]
Truncated great icosahedron - [5* 6 6]
Truncated great dodecahedron - [5* 10 10]
Small icosicosidodecahedron - [3 6 5* 6]
Rhombidodecadodecahedron - [4 5 4 5*]
Great cubicubeoctahedron - [3 8* 4 8*]
Cubeoctatruncated cubeoctahedron - [6 8 8*]
Quasitruncated cubeoctahedron - [4 6 8*]