Graph Based Image Processing and Combinatorial Optimization

September, 2018
Centre for Image Analysis, Division of Visual Information and Interaction,
Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University.

Course description

Graphs have emerged as a unified representation for image analysis and processing. Many powerful image processing methods have been formulated on pixel adjacency graphs, i.e., a graph whose vertex set is the set of image elements (pixels), and whose edge set is determined by an adjacency relation among the image elements. Due to its discrete nature and mathematical simplicity, this graph based image representation lends itself well to the development of efficient, and provably correct, methods for image processing. In this course, we will give an overview of recent developments in this field. Topics covered include graph-based methods for:

Contact and registration

To sign up for the course, send an email to Filip Malmberg.


PhD students who complete the course recieve 3 hp.


The course will start on September 3. All joint activities (lectures labs) are in room 4307, ITC, unless otherwise stated. Participation in the joint activities is not mandatory.

Recommended reading