Computer Graphics MN1, 5p, Autumn 1996

This page will evolve as the course proceeds. Everything that I have not (yet) dealt with at a lecture is subject to change. This is particularly true of the postscript documents linked to some of the lectures; these documents are my personal lecture notes, the manuscripts I use at the lectures. They are not a complete description of the material covered in the course, but they may give you an idea about what was brought up during a particular lecture. Hint: as you probably understand, lecture documents dated 96xxxx are more up-to-date than those dated 95xxxx.

Schedule (changes)

Introduction, Hardware:
961029 13-15 2146 F01: Introduction, overview, history, levels, exercise 1 (F1, F10.1-10.6, E1)
961030 15-17 2347 F02: Hardware, Input and output devices (F4, F8.1)
961101 10-12 1311 F03: Input and output primitives (F2, SRG)
Basic Implementation Techniques:
961104 08-10 2315 F04: 2D systems, 2D transformations, clipping (F5.2-5.6, F3.9, F3.11)
961106 13-15 2347 F05: 3D transformations, 3D viewing, clipping, projections (F5.7-5.9, F6)
Graphics Standards:
961111 10-12 2345 F06: Standards: GKS, PHIGS, X, OpenGL (F7, GL, GKS)
961113 08-10 2314 F07: PHIGS and SPHIGS, exercise 2 (F7, PH, SPH, E2)
961114 13-15 2114 F08: X / Motif, User interfaces, exercises 3 & 4 (X, F8.2-8.4, F11.4, E3, E4)
Raster Graphics:
961118 13-15 2214 F09: Raster vs. vector, Lines, Polygons, Filling (F3.2, F3.4-3.5)
961119 15-17 2344 F10: Circles, Ellipses (F3.3, F3.6-3.7, ELL)
961121 15-17 2315 F11: Text, Antialiasing (F3.12, F3.14, AA)
961125 15-17 2344 F12: Colour, Half-toning, Colour mapping (F11)
Curves and Surfaces:
961128 08-10 2344 F13: Curves, Bezier, B-splines (F9.1-9.2, F9.4, E3)
961128 13-17 2516 Lab: Exercises/assignments - practical help and advice.
961129 13-15 2344 F14: Surfaces, fractals (F9.3, F9.5, FR)
961202 13-15 2214 F15: Hidden surfaces, Illumination (F12.1-12.5, F13)
961204 08-10 2315 F16: Illumination, Shading, Ray tracing (F14)
961205 10-12 2344 F17: CG workstations, Rendering pipeline, Image formats (S, F13.9, IF)
Visualization and Animation:
961206 08-10 2315 F18: Voxel visualization (VIS)
921209 10-12 CBA F19: Animation, MPEG (F12.6)
961211 08-10 2344 F20: Repetition
961211 10-12 2516 Lab: Exercises/assignments - practical help and advice.
961217 09-14 Polacksbacken
970113 09-14 Polacksbacken

Mandatory assignments

There are four mandatory assignments that are part of the examination of this course. You do these either individually or in groups of two or three students. The first exercise consists of using a visualization program (AVS) and answering a few questions about it, while the other three are programming tasks. You are requested to hand in written reports for each exercise. In addition, you must demonstrate your programs "live" - and be prepared to let others (in particular the teacher) test it. Do not write very long reports: one or two pages should suffice. And do not include source code.


Bo Nordin (, 018-183470) Uppsala Universitet, TDB (during working hours, usually found at CBA, Lägerhyddvägen 17, room 111).


The Department of Scientific Computing (TDB)

Office (room 2404), open hours: 10.30-12 (182969)

On-line information and mail

This document is also available on-line: It will be updated (hints about the exercises, schedule changes, etc.) as the course proceeds.

Mails about schedule changes and other important information will be sent to all registered students provided they have an e-mail address they have made known to the teacher.

About the example programs

About the exercises

Sent mail


Exercises - the mandatory assignments

On-line hand-outs

Listed here are all hand-outs that exist in postscript versions.

A file (a folder to hold papers, not a computer file - in Swedish pärm) that contains all hand-outs (including some that are not available here) is placed on the shelf outside TDB's office (or to be more precise, to the left of room 2403).

All documents that I have not dealt with at the lectures are still subject to change (the approximate date follows the document descriptions).

Chapter two of the textbook is the "official" SRGP manual and chapter seven is the "official" SPHIGS manual. The postscript documents are "extremely terse" descriptions of the packages.

Reference literature

Other text-books

Literature of interest(??)

Scientific Journals

Mandatory assignments

The course Computer Graphics has a reputation, well-earned or not, of involving a lot of programming work. While this may be true, I don't think that the overall work load is more than the five weeks the credit points correspond to. The assignments are designed to constitute about 50 % of the examination, probably a great deal more if the effect that working with them has on your general knowledge of computer graphics is taken into consideration.

The deadlines below are fixed in the sense that you cannot expect your reports and programs to be corrected speedily (a relative term, agreed, but reports that I get before the deadline will be corrected within a few days, reports that arrive later may take several months) if you hand them in later. A stong deadline is 970331, if you have not completed the assignments by then you are referred to the next time the course is given.

I strongly recommend you to try to complete the assignments before the exam; not only will you get your credits earlier, working with the assignments is also an excellent way of preparing for the exam.

C++ is the preferred programming language. Exercises two and three must be written in C++ since they involve using classes that are already designed and implemented.

1: Using AVS

In-depth presentation and coverage of connected concepts: F01 (961029)
Deadline: 961202
Purpose: to familiarize the student with fundamental computer graphics concepts.

Your task

This exercise is described in a postscript document.

About AVS

On our Sun systems, AVS is started by the script
which sets up required variables and starts AVS.

The file ~grafik/HT96/E1/avs is a copy of the script. You can copy either original (can there be more than one original??) to your own directory.

Geometries (*.geom files, *.scr) are found in

(.scr files contain several objects).

Images (*.x files, for texture maps, etc.) in

The file browser automatically starts in
Currently only one AVS license is installed. More will be available in the near future. I'll keep you posted.

If you have problems starting AVS you can try the following command to start it:

/opt/avs/bin/start_avs -floating

2: Programming in PHIGS: a simple 3D model

In-depth presentation and coverage of connected concepts: F07 (961113)
Deadline: 970130
Purpose: to teach the student the elements of 3D viewing.

Your task

In this exercise you will use PHIGS or SPHIGS to simulate an intersection between two roads. The intersection is a simple two-way intersection where cars are not allowed to change direction.

Use the program and Makefile in ~grafik/HT96/E2 as a starting-point. This program implements the simulation and a few skeleton classes.

Your task is to supplement some of the classes (car and trafficlight) with graphics capabalities. Possibly the best way to do this is to create new graphics classes which you can then merge (through multiple inheritance) with the non-graphics counterparts to complete classes with the behaviour you need. You also need to draw the roads: show 500 meters in each direction from the intersection for instance. Cars enter into the simulation where the view starts (=500 meters from the intersection). They may not turn at the intersection, neither are they allowed to overtake other cars (it is a single-file-in-each-direction road). Each car has a maximum speed (defined as meters per time unit).

Your program should include a possibility to interactively (with the mouse) change viewpoint. One way of doing this is to imagine that the cursor moves on an imaginary half-sphere over the intersection while all the time looking (do cursors have vision??) towards the centre of the intersection

The user interacts with your program using the mouse as described above and with the keyboard. If any of the following keys is pressed, the program should act:

In addition, c/C and s/S both start the simulation if it is not started already.

The simulation is event-driven with the following three events (~grafik/HT96/E2/events.h):

Implementation details

The program uses a coordinate system with the centre of the intersection in (0,0,0) and the Z=0 plane on the ground, with Z increasing upwards towards the sky. For simplicity, the coordinate system is assumed to be defined in meters. The roads should be in the direction of the X and Y axes, otherwise the cars will leave them (unless you rewrite the car class, of course).

We assume that the intersection is in a part of the world where cars drive on the right (as opposed to left, not as opposed to correct) side of the road.

A few constants (in ~grafik/HT96/E2/constants.h) that affect the graphics (sizes and positions of the roads, trafficlights, and cars):

Run the program intersection to get a feeling about what happens during simulation (intersection produces only alphanumeric output).

Practical advice

Whether you choose to use PHIGS or SPHIGS is immaterial but I suggest you use SPHIGS: it is simpler and you have access to the documentation in the textbook.

If you use SPHIGS

The complete implementation of SPHIGS is found in ~grafik/SPHIGS (SPHIGS is built on SRGP whose implementation you can find in ~grafik/SRGP). For sample programs, consult the files in the directory ~grafik/ExamplesSPHIGS. Use ~grafik/HT96/E2/Makefile to compile and link your program: just add your own files.

If you use PHIGS

There's a Makefile in $PHIGSHOME/examples. Copy it, edit it, and use it to build your program. Make sure that PHIGSHOME, XGLHOME, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are defined (see the file ~grafik/PHIGS/README.xxxxxx where xxxxxx is a date, for more information on how to that). I have used a simpler Makefile (in ~grafik/PHIGS).

You can run, and perhaps steal ideas from, example programs in $PHIGSHOME/examples. The directory contains both source code and executables and the file README.examples in the same directory contains short descriptions of the programs. There is also a bunch of PHIGS programs in ~grafik/PHIGS. This directory contains source code for the examples in the PHIGS Programming Manual by Tom Gaskins, published by O'Reilly and Associates. There's a directory for every chapter in the book. Programs in concepts have been compiled and linked and thus exist as executables which you can run.

There is an on-line manual that you can use. The file .Answerbook in ~grafik/PHIGS tells you what to do to be able to access the manual. Copy the file to your directory and change it according to the instructions in the file. Log in on hassaleh (the manual only runs on that machine) with telnet or login. Then enter the command source .Answerbook or, if you have defined the required environment variables, /usr/openwin/bin/answerbook. Select the menu SunPHIGS 3.0 Answerbook and you're off.

3: Programming in V: a simple user interface

In-depth presentation and coverage of connected concepts: F08 (961114)
Deadline: 961209
Purpose: to teach the student how to create a simple user interface and how to connect an application to a user interface

V is a portable (that is, it is available for PC Windows, Mac, and X) C++ GUI framework. You will be working with an X version based on the Athena widget set.

Your task is to build a user interface for the class Reg which handles a list of people. The classes Person and Reg are predefined, declared in ~grafik/HT96/E3/person.h and ~grafik/HT96/E3/preg.h, respectively. Corresponding object files (person.o and preg.o) are located in the same directory. You are not allowed to modify these two classes.

Your interface must include buttons and/or canvases for at least:

Graceful termination includes confirmation and the possibility to save unsaved data.

You should use a menu pane with applicable standard menus (File and Edit in this case), a command pane for browsing, and a text canvas pane for data display. You will also need a modal dialog window for editing and adding persons.

Use ~grafik/HT96/E3/Makefile as a template Makefile for your application: paths to include files and libraries are defined in this file.

4: Programming in Motif: a spline editor

In-depth presentation and coverage of connected concepts: F08 (961114), F13 (961128)
Deadline: 961216
Purpose: to give the student some understanding of a) how Motif applications are designed, and b) how splines work.

Your task

In this exercise you will use Motif and X to define and manipulate a 2D B-spline curve in- teractively. Your program interface should have at least the following functions:

It is important that you can create multiple control points and that moving control points is done in a truly interactive fashion, i.e. the curve must change shape as you "drag" the control point from its previous location. And when a new point is added, it should be possible to manipulate the resulting curve segment before fixing the point.

You can use straight-line segments when displaying curves with less than 4 control points and for the initial tests of the interface (B-spline curves will be dealt with later in the course so if you start with them right away you will have to read ahead...(unless, of course, you are already familiar with B-splines)).


You do not need to smart-code the display algorithm. It is quite OK to draw the whole curve in the interactions. Use the GXxor function to display and remove the tentative curve. The only data structures you will need are an array with the control points and an XPoint array (do man XPoint to find out about that structure) to hold the points you are to draw.

One way of implementing the interface is: use a drawing area widget, click in it to add a control point last in the sequence, click with mouse button two on an existing control point to make it double (and a third time to make it triple), remove a point by dragging it out of the window. Not required (but nice) functions include a possibility to add control points anywhere in the sequence and a possibility to toggle between display of curve and display of straight-line segments (or you can connect the control points with dashed lines).

You can draw black curves on white background (making double control points bigger) or you can use colour (for the curve, and, in particular, for multiple control points).

Practical advice

There is an example program (interactive drawing in a drawingArea widget) in ~grafik/HT96/E4/drawMotif.c. In ~grafik/HT96/E4 you will also find a Makefile you can use as a template, and an X resource file Draw

Remember that you can use man to get a lot of help about X and Xt functions. Click here for a brief description of Motif (version 1.1.x so it's not quite up-to-date) widgets and their resources.

The Written Exam

If the mandatory assignments make up 50% of the examination, the written exam obviously must take care of the other half. The exam consists of 10-15 questions about important computer graphics concepts. You are not allowed to use any books, calculators, or notes during the exam. Write brief answers to the questions; there's no reason why you should need more than two or three hours to complete the exam if you are well prepared and know the answers.

Important computer graphics concepts that you should be familiar with are listed in this file (with references to the textbook and/or hand-outs). NOTE: check the date in the file to see whether it is last year's version or if it has been updated for this year's course (since the difference between the syllabi is infinitesimal, the older version covers most of what will be treated this year).

Topics decidedly not in the syllabus of this year's course (some may have been treated briefly at a lecture, some may be the topic of a hand-out - and most are of more or less general interest) include:

Postscript versions of old exams with solutions (in some cases):

This year's instances (HTML versions):