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The CBA was founded in 1988 and is an independent entity within the TN-faculty at UU and within the S-faculty at SLU, respectively. CBA is supposed to be managed by a board and a director The latter having the executive power. During 2005, there was an administrative review of all centres at UU and as a result of this some minor changes of the CBA constitution were negotiated between the universities during 2006-2007. The mandate for the previous board ended at the end of 2006. What now remains is for the new constitution to be formally adopted and put into operation by the TN-faculty board. We are still waiting for that decision and in the meantime the management of CBA rests solely with the director. During 2007, Prof. Ewert Bengtsson served as Director and Dr Olle Eriksson served as deputy Director. As advisors to the director we have an informal management group consisting of the academic personnel with permanent positions plus our administrator. The whole of CBA is administered through UU.

The employees are employed at either university, and the PhD students are admitted at either the Faculty of Science and Technology (TN) at UU or at the Faculty of Forest Sciences (S) at SLU. CBA is associated with Dept. of Information Technology (IT) at UU regarding undergraduate education, as we are not directly responsible for undergraduate education at UU, even though we organize and teach many courses, especially those in image analysis and computer graphics. All personnel (from both universities) is employed directly at CBA, except Lecturers at UU. These are employed by IT, and teach there. Their research activities, however, are carried out at CBA to a degree (usually 25%-75%), which is regulated by individual contracts.

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