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CBA is conducting a whole range of projects ranging from basic image analysis research to direct application work, and increasingly in scientific visualization. By keeping close touch both with theoretical front line research and with real life application projects, we believe that we make the best contribution to our field. On the theoretical side, we are especially strong in volume and multispectral image analysis. In line with the stated goal for CBA, we give priority to applications in the fields of biomedicine and the environmental sciences, including the forest industry; we are part of the Faculty of Forest Sciences at SLU.

In this section, we list the 33 research projects that were active during 2007. Some are large projects that have been active for a long time, while others are smaller and short-lived. We started six new projects this year, while six were completed since last year.

The list of projects is roughly grouped into image analysis theory; medical image applications (from proteins to organs); computer graphics and visualization; forest and agricultural projects; and finish with aquatic remote sensing and some miscellaneous projects. For each project, we list who at CBA is involved, where the funding comes from, when the project started (and finished), and who our cooperation partners outside CBA are.

As is obvious from the descriptions, most of the projects are carried out in close cooperation with researchers from other universities and from other research areas. In Section 5.2, we list the 32 international groups in 16 countries and 28 national groups with which we have had active cooperation in 2007.

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