function y = percentile(x,p,dim) %PERCENTILE Percentile value. % For vectors, PERCENTILE(X,P) is the Pth percentile value of the elements % in X. For matrices, PERCENTILE(X,P) is a row vector containing the Pth % percentile value of each column. For N-D arrays, PERCENTILE(X,P) is the % Pth percentile value of the elements along the first non-singleton % dimension of X. % % PERCENTILE(X,P,DIM) takes the percentile along the dimension DIM of X. % % Example: If X = [0 1 2 % 3 4 5] % % then percentile(X,50,1) is [1.5 2.5 3.5] and percentile(X,50,2) is [1 % 4] % % Class support for input X: % float: double, single % % See also MEDIAN, MIN, MAX, MEAN. % Copyright 2004 Cris Luengo, based on MEDIAN, % Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/09 16:16:27 $ nInputs = nargin; if nInputs<2 error('A percentile P must be given.') end nInputs = nInputs-1; % Just to avoid changing all the ifs below. if isempty(x) if nInputs == 1 % The output size for [] is a special case when DIM is not given. if isequal(x,[]), y = nan(1,class(x)); return; end % Determine first nonsingleton dimension dim = find(size(x)~=1,1); end s = size(x); if dim <= length(s) s(dim) = 1; % Set size to 1 along dimension end y = nan(s,class(x)); elseif nInputs == 1 && isvector(x) % If input is a vector, calculate single value of output. x = sort(x); nCompare = numel(x); half = round((nCompare-1)*p/100+1); y = x(half); if isnan(x(nCompare)) % Check last index for NaN y = NaN; end else if nInputs == 1 % Determine first nonsingleton dimension dim = find(size(x)~=1,1); end s = size(x); if dim > length(s) % If dimension is too high, just return input. y = x; return end % Sort along given dimension x = sort(x,dim); nCompare = s(dim); % Number of elements used to generate a median half = round((nCompare-1)*p/100+1); % Midway point, used for median calculation if dim == 1 % If calculating along columns, use vectorized method with column % indexing. Reshape at end to appropriate dimension. y = x(half,:); y(isnan(x(nCompare,:))) = NaN; % Check last index for NaN elseif dim == 2 && length(s) == 2 % If calculating along rows, use vectorized method only when possible. % This requires the input to be 2-dimensional. Reshape at end. y = x(:,half); y(isnan(x(:,nCompare))) = NaN; % Check last index for NaN else % In all other cases, use linear indexing to determine exact location % of medians. Use linear indices to extract medians, then reshape at % end to appropriate size. cumSize = cumprod(s); total = cumSize(end); % Equivalent to NUMEL(x) numMedians = total / nCompare; numConseq = cumSize(dim - 1); % Number of consecutive indices increment = cumSize(dim); % Gap between runs of indices ixMedians = 1; y = repmat(x(1),numMedians,1); % Preallocate appropriate type % Nested FOR loop tracks down medians by their indices. for seqIndex = 1:increment:total for consIndex = (half-1)*numConseq:half*numConseq-1 absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex; y(ixMedians) = x(absIndex); ixMedians = ixMedians + 1; end end % Check last indices for NaN ixMedians = 1; for seqIndex = 1:increment:total for consIndex = (nCompare-1)*numConseq:nCompare*numConseq-1 absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex; if isnan(x(absIndex)) y(ixMedians) = NaN; end ixMedians = ixMedians + 1; end end end % Now reshape output. s(dim) = 1; y = reshape(y,s); end